Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Anything from the men??

OK BOYS...I'm a little disappointed in all of you. NONE of you have posted on this here site, and frankly, I think you are some pretty dang hilarious guys. SO...who is going to be man enough to do it first?? Please, make us laugh! We need it. :)


Evelyn & Floyd said...

Boone, is this your post? Because, FYI, I don't think the men even LOOK at this site!! -S

erika said...

Oh, come on...they just need a bit of encouragement. I bet if they posted they WOULD read...just to see what eachother are saying. You know how much they enjoy eachother's company.

Marijke said...

Olice is helping me comment just now and he says that Thomas is planning on blogging some pics of the awesome job he's been doing on the yard! (We'll be sure to hold him to it!! And we give free lessons, too) - Teddy

Marijke said...

Real men can wear pink golf shirts and blog too! With all the work going on in Springs at T & S's house and D & W doing renovations here in Greentown, I'd say we should buy some DIY stock. Hey, keep those home improvement pics coming. Don't let too many firemen in at the same time Todd, those axes can do some damage. - Pops (too busy helping kids to blog!)

Evelyn & Floyd said...

still waiting on that blog from Thomas...