Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Baby Girl Fisher has arrived...

She may have been "Scheduled" to arrive tomorrow, but Little Miss Fisher has a bit of a pistol streak already, and she decided that her birthday was going to be June 13th. Last night (the 12th), much to Nancy & Reid's surprise, baby girl decided it was time to make her debut. Fortunately they made it to the hospital in time for the doctors to help her along and she arrived shortly after midnight.

sleeping soundly...

after lunch...

with her mom and dad


erika said...

She is just perfect! And, a bit chubby if I do say so myself. Nanni, she is BEAUTIFUL!!

Marijke said...

I'm so glad she came on the 13th - my favorite number. And, before long, we'll probably have a Baker's dozen of grandchildren, too! Love it, love it, love it - she's precious, Nance. - Oma Marijke

Constance said...

Oh how Gracious our Lord is in suppling a gorgeous girl to you both! She is adorable and I can't wait to hold her.
You look incredible for just having a baby, Nancy!

Connie Beasley

Amy Ross said...

Congratulations Baker Family, again! What sweet little girls you now have. With love and prayers, Amy Ross (friends of E&B)