Monday, January 01, 2007

The latest J.G. shots

Here are some shots from Christmas week of J.G. He's getting pretty big and is three months old now! He loves to be talked to and he talks back quite a bit now and he also loves to play "super baby". He started grabbing on to things this week!


Evelyn & Floyd said...

oh my gosh... i want to eat him with a spoon.

How hilarious is his pout and furrowed brow! He looks really intense/distressed.

Evelyn & Floyd said...

He looks so much more mature since we saw him! I can't believe he's grabbing things. Wow, those full term babies are fast!! Haha

Evelyn & Floyd said...

He's even bigger than when he had his picture taken with his cousins in November! And grabbing things - Oh Dear - the fun has just begun. - Oma