Tuesday, January 02, 2007

And a Basket of Christmas Cards, too!

And a Basket of Christmas Cards, too!

One of these pictures shows the 'traditional' nativity poster that has graced our kitchen every Christmas since Thomas was the baby Jesus in Erika's arms.

But, breaking from another tradition, this year we didn't hang the Christmas cards around the top of the walls in the front foyer. Instead, we kept them in a basket close at hand for all to read and enjoy. The newsy letters with pictures are super - telling of how life has been going for all of you and your families. Whether we are related or not, each time we hear from or think of you, we say a prayer of thankfulness for God's gift of friendship.

Many, many cards depicted the true meaning of Christmas and for that we rejoice! I might even hang up the nativity scenes around my 'craft room' to enjoy all year round! But the card that Helen and Fred sent from New Jersey was particularly perfect this year since I was trying to figure out a way to depict our 'Four Calling Boys'! I'm continually amazed at how God cares so much that He gives us what we need, when we need it - even if our requests are ridiculously small. Naturally all of His good gifts pale when compared to that of His Son, Jesus.

In this "Twelve Days of Christmas" song, I should have called this day: "and a Baby Came to Save the World's Lost".

In His Joy, Marijke - blundering for all the Baker's

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