Monday, January 01, 2007

Five Books to Read

Five Books to Read

This year was the beginning of something new. Each of our five children got a brown paper package in which were stashed lots of Dutch or British edible treats as well as individual little gifts suitable to each family. (Thomas obviously would not enjoy the same things that Garrison would!) Everyone did get a copy of the same children's book, however and it was a delight for me to hear them read it - first in our sunroom (Will, Danielle, Nancy, Reid and Thomas all taking different pages) and then in Colorado over the phone - thanks, Erika, Bryan, Schelyn and Todd! The book was called "The Gardener" and even made Erika cry! Oh - the gift certificates that were enclosed are only to be used to buy something for the garden! (I know it's hard to visualize the planting season out there in Colorado where the snow has been extra deep and early this year!)

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