Monday, April 02, 2007

Olice's playdate

About a week and a half ago Olice and I went to my friend, Frances' house. She has two girls, Lucy and Bella. Lucy is about 2 months younger than Olice, and Bella is 2 months old. Anyway, in the Mitchell Road nursery is where Lucy and Olice's friendship has blossomed. Every time Reid or I come to get him and as soon as we drop him off each time, they are together. We tease him about it some:)


Tootie said...

oh my gosh, CUTIE pies! Nance, thanks for sharing these adorable pictures. It's like Garrison and Grace all over. What does Olice call Lucy?

Evelyn & Floyd said...

he is such a flirt... look at that face, he knows how good he is already. That "DAT" of his must be training him very early... watch out ladies!