Saturday, September 16, 2006

Photographer at the Rehearsal for Brent & Jennifer

Thankfully some of the pictures look like they turned out just fine but, as you can imagine, I felt quite alien in this position of 'official friend photographing candid shots of the rehearsal and dinner'. I didn't get paid, of course, but the dinner was special enough to make me feel that I'd better do a perfect job! (There are more at Let me know if you don't know how to access that spot!)

I'll bring my camera this afternoon to see if I can get some shots of the boys getting ready - there will be plenty of girls recording memories in the other room, I'm sure!! Plus I might catch a good shot at the rehearsal but, again, there will be cameras everywhere. It's fun not to have to pay a professional for some of the most simple pics, though; don't we all know that! Love, Oma Marijke

1 comment:

Evelyn & Floyd said...

great pics, mom! But why is that book thing suspended above daddy's head in the picture of the two of you?? Love your necklace! -Shin