Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Trash Obsession

Well, my oldest son has a trash obsession. Most of you witnessed it over the holidays. Whenever a trash truck is even close to our street he can hear it and runs to the door yelling "dash duck" over and over again. I have to say it's pretty cute and I have a new appreciation for our trash men. Especially when they wave at him and honk the horn. That can really make a 2 year old's day.

Well, I'm only fueling the obsession, I'm afraid. I finally ventured out to the grocery store by myself on Monday, not thinking I had a lot to get. I stuck Baby Naniel in the carrier on top of the seat in the buggy and plunked G-Money in the back. When I was about half-way through with my shopping needs, I hear "mommy, help me" coming from the back of the cart. I look to find sweet G-love under boxes of cereal and cans of soup trying to make more room for himself. I had no option but to take him out. (That's a pretty frightening thought, having a two year old running loose in the grocery store, especially for me who loves to be in control.) Well, have no fear, I preyed upon his love for the trash trucks. G-Money became a trash man and rode on the back of the buggy (remember how we used to love that? Hanging on and wanting mom to push us faster??) He helped me put various items of "trash" into our "dash duck" and hasn't stopped talking about it since. I'm so thankful for this little trick. We used it again today at Wal Mart and he LOVES it. Hope it lasts!!!

How in the world did mom shop with 5 of us under 10?? I don't even think the 2 carts we had to fill up could handle us. Yikes.

1 comment:

Evelyn & Floyd said...

I know how I did it - not very well at times. You remember how I would often leave one of you kids behind; i.e. Nancy most of the time. And guess what, it was always my sister Nancy that got left behind when Mom and/or Dad took the seven of us anywhere. She'll be happy to tell you of each and every time! But look how you all turned out with that exercise in independence. SO glad the trash truck game is working - probably other mothers in the store are watching and soon there will be shopping carts dressed out like dash ducks...