while i've been on Maternity leave, Nancy and I have been enjoying once a week playdates. The last two have even included tea parties for us while the boys are napping. I say boys, because Georgia seems to know that a ladies tea party is going on and refuses to sleep. She would rather sit with us at the table and socialize. Mom even joined in for one playdate, which was real fun.
Anyway, this week we decided to venture out to one of our favorite cheap lunch spots: Taco Casa. Who says you can't get three carseats in the back seat of a Toyota Camry? Where there's a will there's a way. Here's a quick shot of the three babes riding to the Casa... with Olice refusing to look at the camera.
Our trip to Casa was quite interesting. When we arrived, we rounded up all three highchairs in the place and made a ridiculous little semi-circle with them around our table... i think all the other customers knew what was coming. We had arranged to meet two friends who are single and childless... for me they epitomize freedom that so quickly has become other-worldly to me now. We chit-chatted for about 20 minutes before all hell broke loose. The climax of our meal was when Georgia started to loose it (she is usually quite agreeable), Olice (who was covered in maccaroni and refried beans at this point) put refried beans in one of our friends' hair, and my lap suddenly got quite warm... and wet. RM decided to totally blow it out while i was feeding him a bottle. Might i add the restroom is a "onsie" without any changing facilities, and that i have poop all over my legs at this point? AWESOME. I think our friends are done with us for a while.
ps- Floyd calls me in the midst of this because he thought RM and I had been kidnapped. He arrived home for lunch expecting to find us there. i had left no note, my car at home, the dog tied up outside, the radio on, a full pot of maccaroni out on the counter, and toys thrown all about the house. He was in a full panic.
i needed that laugh today. i'm glad i'm not the only one dealing with life like this. isn't it FUN?!?! it's a shame it wasn't a full sister playdate--we could've really spiced up the casa then. That would only be 4 additional children under 3 1/2...
oh yeah, no big deal. It would have been worth it to have you and Shin there:) Or maybe we'd have stayed home. Georgia also almost received a mouthful of refried beans when I responded to her fussing with the spooful I had ready for Olice. Yikes. Glad I caught myself.
hah. hahahaha
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