Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Focusing on Grandbaby #6

Last night the Baker's (5 of us and Jim Harget) and the Fisher's (9 of them) got together to eat some delicious cake to announce the sex of Olice's upcoming sibling.

Naturally O was excited but not as much as all of these other relatives (and his parents). Anyway, he still thinks we came over to watch HIM doing all his new moves like walking..

Since I've been forbidden to blog pictures of the inside of the cake, let me at least show you the top which was written in purple letters (because that color's a mix of blue and red.)

Hopefully Nancy will transfer, find and post other pictures some time today. Until then, if you can't stand the wait, give me a call - I've not been forbidden to TELL anyone

Love, one very excited Oma

1 comment:

Evelyn & Floyd said...

Those amarylus blooms look kinda falic. msp?