Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Painting's Nearly Done

Removing miles and miles of painter's tape is much easier if you use your head!

The word is that Mom and Dad (Baker) are quite content in their new 'quarters' - that is, the bedroom on the main floor that Ken and I have used for years. We got the toilet area and closet painted just in time for their arrival - and now there's Ruth's bathroom to work on before she arrives Christmas Day. Ken and I are getting some much-needed exercise going from one upstairs area to the other. (Our new bedroom is Danielle's old room - also repainted - are we nuts?)

So many good changes!! And the carpets get cleaned today.

I might show some more 'decorating' pictures later but it's actually pretty boring - truly just maintenance that we had put off for far too long. Feels good to be on top of some of it for sure! Now if I could just get some time to go through the boxes of stuff that I moved from our nightstands and bathroom shelves. I believe the trash man will be surprised at how much we have to offer this week.

We're almost ready for Christmas! How about YOU? Love, Oma Marijke


Evelyn & Floyd said...

I LOVE your painter's tape Christmas bow. Leave it to a dutch woman to make use of discarded blue tape. We should all be warned we may find those "bows" on our xmas packages this year! :) I would love to see pics of all your painting. Ya'll have accomplished in two weeks what it has taken Todd and I three months to do! Love ya, S

erika said...

Marge. That's all I have to say.