Friday, June 16, 2006

'Three Wee Kings' in June

I guess I'd better post some pictures of the grands. I may not get much chance after GM and GD get here - although we'll be sure to take more pictures with them. In any case, we're hoping that Olice and Daniel can have a crawling race before the week's over. Yeh, right! Garrison can be the referee.


Evelyn & Floyd said...

these kiddos are SO cute. We need to try one more time before E & B leave to get a picture with all of their faces showing!

ps - i also love Erika & Nanni hiding in the background of that one picture with the boys on the bench... hysterical.

Evelyn & Floyd said...

Very adorable! First off, WHAT is G-money looking at in that first pic on the steps? He appears to be gazing adoringly at his Oma. I can just imagine that crazy Oma said something to him right before the pictrue is snapped and he is still trying to comprehend it. :) Also love the "hiding mamas" for the bench photo. I can almost hear the giggling associated. Wish I was there. Post some more soon!!!

Evelyn & Floyd said...

We're going to take some more, for sure. Some with Grandma and Grandpa, too. It's Father's Day today - got to get a pic of Pops with all three if we can. Love you - Mom